Using Moxa in your shiatsu practice
By Mala Birute Kubiliute
Datum | Tijd | Nascholing | Kosten Iokai Alumni lid | Kosten overige deelnemers | NAP |
4 juni 2023 | 10u – 17u | Moxa | € 105,- | € 135,- | 7 |
OKYU お灸 or “Thread Moxa”
is traditional form of moxa technique used in Japanese acupuncture. This is a classic form of direct moxa where a rice grain size punk of moxa is placed on the skin and lit with an incense stick.
Most of us already know the benefits of Chinese moxa sticks. Unfortunately, the smoke
and intense smell which comes with the heat makes it almost unusable in our shiatsu
practice. Okyu might be a solution! It is very gentle on the senses: less smoke, pleasant smell,
controlled heat, etc.
Moxa in your shiatsu practice
This form of moxa, can be a great addition to your shiatsu practice.
It is quite a refined technique and requires some training, knowledge and practice. This you will learn during this masterclass.
For whom
This master class is open to graduated shiatsu therapists from all courses. And for students in the fourth year.
Dates and times
Sunday June 4 from 10.00u to 17.00
Iokai Shiatsu Dojo; Agatha Dekenstraat 28, Amsterdam
Maximum number of participants
The maximum number of participants is 12
The cost for this master class is €105 for Iokai Alumni members and Iokai shiatsu students. And € 135,- for other participants.